Setting Up an Account

The Edge Account System is the interface for the deployment and management of Edge products & services.


The Edge Account System is a completely anonymous and cryptographically secure environment. It gives you direct access to Edge Products & Services, including Edge Servers and Content Delivery, and is also used for billing and support.


To set up an Edge account, head to te account portal:

The account landing page gives you the option to sign in or to create a new account.

To create a new account, click 'Create new account'.

The account system uses a single cryptographic key for access. Make sure that you make a note of your key or store it in a password manager such as 1Password.

You can optionally enable two factor authentication and/or a recovery email address at this stage. This can also be done later in the settings section of your account.

To go straight to your account click 'Go directly to my account'. You are now signed in.

Last updated